Bylaw Update
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Bylaw Update

The Cullman Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees has recommended changes to the co-op’s bylaws. The proposed changes will be presented to all Cullman EC members for approval as part of the 2025 annual meeting election.


A complete list of the proposed changes will be included inside the April edition of Alabama Living magazine. A PDF copy of the proposed changes can be viewed here.


The list of recommended changes is being presented now to give members time to review the proposals before ballots for the annual meeting are sent in August. The proposed changes can be seen with new language listed in red, while language that will be removed is listed in blue.


The primary reason for the changes is to modernize some of the language, including updated with will allow for electronic voting for member elections. Members are encouraged to review the proposed changes and submit any questions or comments to administrative assistant Jaime Atkins by email at