Renewable Energy

Cullman Electric Cooperative is your source for information on renewable energy. As a member of an electric cooperative, you have a network of knowledgeable and highly trained professionals who can answer your questions. 

Does Cullman Electric provide renewable energy options?

Cullman Electric Cooperative does not sell, install, or maintain renewable power systems or equipment. Our primary concern is making sure our members have safe, reliable, and affordable electricity. 

While we do not provide renewable options, we do buy our electricity from TVA. They generate a portion of their electricity from renewable sources.

Interested in learning more about the costs associated with Solar Energy or other renewable options?

Request Additional Information about Renewable Energy Options

TVA Renewable Energy Portfolio

Cullman Electric Cooperative is a Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) power distributor. TVA generates and transmits electricity to power companies all over the southeast, including Cullman Electric Cooperative. TVA’s power generation portfolio includes solar, wind, and biogas. Learn more about TVA's Renewable Energy portfolio. 

TVA Green Connect Program

With a comfortable, efficient home, you are ready to begin exploring the best renewable options for you. TVA and your Cullman Electric Cooperative offer Green Switch, Green Connect, and Dispersed Power Production to meet your renewable needs.

Learn more about TVA Green Connect.

Learn more about TVA Green Connect approved contractors. 

Can members install solar or other renewables on their own?

Yes. Co-op members can contract with private companies to install solar power systems on their property. However, unless the member is operating under a TVA-approved program, they will not receive compensation for any excess generation that they do not use. 

Learn about TVA-approved Green Connect contractors.

Important Information to Consider

Before you sign any paperwork, we recommend the following:

CONSUMER EDUCATION — Purchasing a solar power system is a major financial investment that should not be taken lightly, so do your homework. Does a deal sound too good to be true? Is the system being sold to you too big or to small for your home or business? What are tax credits? What happens if I sell my home before the lease or purchase contract expires? Find out if the company you are dealing with has done business in the area, and ask for a list of customer references. Make sure you understand the financial commitments and other legal obligations included in a contract before you sign it. 

CONTACT US — Before you get too far into the process, contact Cullman Electric Cooperative. We will provide honest, straightforward answers to all your questions, as well as some you might not have considered, to help you make the best decision for your family or business.

SAFETY FIRST — If you install a solar power panel or other renewable energy systems at your home or business, please contact Cullman Electric Cooperative. We can make sure the necessary safety equipment is properly installed to prevent electricity from back-feeding onto the power lines, which could pose a deadly threat to co-op linemen and other employees who work on our system.

Cullman Electric is a Touchstone Energy cooperative, which means you have access to information from a national network of experts. Whether its solar energy, electric vehicles, or even energy efficiency tips, you find lots of information on your Touchstone Energy Solutions.