Outdoor Lighting

Invest in peace of mind and convenience. Let us illuminate your property with reliable outdoor lighting, adding safety and beauty to your home or business.

Want to play a late-night game of basketball, or need additional lighting for your home? Have an outdoor light installed by Cullman Electric Cooperative. The process is simple. You can apply online, or you can contact a member services representative at 256-737-3200. Our member services representatives are available Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM until 4:00 PM.

The following charges are only applicable if the outdoor light requested is being installed on a pre-existing cooperative pole.

  • $100.00 installation fee (Property Owner / Non-Refundable)

  • $150.00 installation fee (Non-Property Owner / Non-Refundable)

  • Monthly service charge (see Fees, Services, and Rates)

  • Two (2) year contract required

If your request requires the installation of a cooperative pole, aid-to-construction charges will apply in addition to the above-referenced amounts.

Request An Outdoor Light

Report An Outdoor Light Outage Or Problem

By and between the undersigned, hereinafter, "Member" and the CULLMAN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE. For and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the undersigned agrees as follows:

  1. The Cooperative agrees to install an outdoor light for the Member on existing poles or structures owned by the Cooperative that have appropriate secondary voltage available.
  2. For the installation of a new outdoor light in an owner-occupied facility, the charge shall be $100.00 per light. The installation of an outdoor light on rental property shall be $150.00 per light.
  3. Should the Member wish to have a new pole or structure installed, the Member will be required to pay for all labor and materials for said installation in addition to the regular light installation charge.
  4. The Member agrees to pay the monthly charges for said lighting in accordance with the applicable TVA approved rate schedule.
  5. The Member agrees to pay the monthly charges on said light for a minimum of 24 months from the date of installation.
  6. Should an existing light be activated for a Member, the Member agrees to pay monthly charges on said light for a minimum of 24 months from the date of activation.
  7. Should, for whatever reason, the light be removed or disconnected before the expiration of the 24-month period mentioned above, the Member would be responsible for charges for the remainder of the 24 month period. Said charges will continue to be added to the Member's monthly bill or should the Member
    discontinue electric service at said location, the total unpaid balance would be due and payable on the final bill.
  8. The Cooperative has the right to use all legal means necessary to collect unpaid debts and the Member agrees to pay all costs of collection including but not limited to attorney fees and Court costs.
  9. Should, for whatever reason, a security light stop working, the Member is responsible for reporting the problem to the cooperative in order for repairs to be made.