Montgomery Youth Tour
The Montgomery Youth Tour is an annual event sponsored by the Alabama Rural Electric Association (AREA). In March, the group of students representing Cullman EC is joined by other high school students from across Alabama for several days to visit historic sites, meet state leaders, learn about state politics, and have a whole lot of fun!
How are students chosen?
- Counselors from our local high schools nominate deserving members of the junior class.
What do students experience in Montgomery?
- Leadership workshops.
- Inspirational speakers.
- Visit historic sites such as the State Capital, Martin Luther King Jr.'s church, and the Legacy Museum.
- Meet with elected officials.
- Learn about electric cooperatives.
- Make new friends from across the state.
Interested in attending?
- Please contact your school counselor to learn more about your school's selection process.

Washington D.C. Youth Tour
In June, the Washington, D.C. Youth Tour is hosted by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).
Each year, three of Cullman EC's Youth Tour participants travel with other students from Alabama for the week-long conference attended by more than 1,500 students from all over the country.
How are students chosen?
- Three students who attend the Montgomery Youth Tour are chosen to represent Cullman Electric Cooperative in D.C. based on an interview, interest, and cooperative knowledge.
What do students experience in D.C.?
- The experience is very similar to the Montgomery Youth Tour, but it is a week long.
- View as many historical sites and museums as possible in one week.
- Make new friends from across the country.
- Learn how they can make a difference in our country and meet elected officials.