Common Energy Myths
Busting common energy “saving” myths to save you money!
Common Myth #1:
Myth: Leaving the thermostat at one temperature saves money.
Fact: LOWERING your thermostat by 7 – 10 degrees when you’re away from home for 8 or more hours could save you up to 10% each year on heating costs.
Common Myth #2:
Myth: Closing vents in unused rooms saves energy and money.
Fact: Closing your vents actually makes your HVAC unit work harder and can INCREASE your energy use and costs.
Common Myth #3:
Myth: It's okay to use emergency heat just because it's colder than usual.
Fact: A well-functioning heating system will be able to keep up with normal winter temps. (Plus, emergency heat costs more!) If your primary heat pump goes out, this is the time you want to switch to emergency heat which can kick on your backup heat pump.
Common Myth #4:
Myth: Turning the thermostat all the way up heats your home quicker.
Fact: It will heat your home, but turning it up all at once will cause your HVAC to work harder and faster. Consider turning your thermostat up slowly over time.
Common Myth #5:
Myth: Renters can't do anything to save money on energy.
Fact: If you're not in the habit of turning your heat down when you leave for work each day, that's a great place to start. Turning the thermostat down 7-10 degrees if you're going to be gone for eight or more hours can help you save up to 10% on your heating costs.