Trina Walker Appointed to the Board of Trustees
The Cullman Electric Cooperative board of trustees has appointed Trina Walker to fill the vacant position as the board’s District 2 representative. The board voted on and approved the decision during its February meeting.
“Being chosen as a trustee is a privilege, and I’m excited to play a role in the co-op’s vital work in supporting our community,” Walker said. “My goal is to contribute to the co-op's growth and success while meeting the needs of its members.”
Walker was born and raised in the Fairview and Baileyton communities. She graduated from Fairview High School in 1989, and has devoted her professional life serving schools in Cullman County. For the past 11 years she has been the principal at Fairview Middle School. Before that she served as the assistant principal at FMS, was a second grader teacher and reading coach at Holly Pond, and started her career as a kindergarten teacher at Jones Chapel Elementary.
Trina and her husband, Kenneth Walker, have been married 33 years and have three son and four grandsons. She is the daughter of Buck and Betty Rasco.
“I see this opportunity as a chance to give back to the community that has supported me throughout my life,” Walker said. “It's truly an honor to represent the members of Cullman Electric Cooperative. I deeply value the way the co-op serves its members and contributes to the community, especially through initiatives like Operation Round-Up, leadership programs, and partnerships that provide grants to local groups.”
Cullman Electric board chairman Robert Tidwell said the District 2 position needed to be filled after Sheila Sizemore resigned from the board last year.
“On behalf of the entire board I am excited to welcome Trina,” Tidwell said. “She is well known and respected throughout the community and will be an excellent representative for the co-op members in Fairview and Bailetyon and surrounding areas.”