Your Opinion Counts
Cullman Electric Cooperative values feedback from its members, which is why we conduct a member satisfaction survey every other year. Starting on Nov. 2, 2023, randomly selected Cullman Electric members will receive an email invitation to participate in this year’s survey.
The data gathered from the survey helps Cullman Electric in various ways. Think of it as a biannual check-up. Our member satisfaction survey allows us to compare this year’s results with past surveys, tracking progress we've made on critical issues and identifying new trends in consumer behavior and expectations. We also find out how our customer service compares to other power companies and global brand-name businesses. The survey results help the co-op learn more about our members’ attitudes and perceptions of renewable energy, electric vehicles, energy efficiency, smart home technology and Sprout Fiber Internet.
If you receive an email invitation to participate in Cullman Electric’s member satisfaction survey project, please click the link. The survey is approximately 20 questions and only takes a few minutes to complete, but it will provide valuable insights to help ensure Cullman Electric members continue to receive outstanding service.